Sunday, March 22, 2015

Who Should Replace Leonard Nimoy as the Voice of Sentinel Prime for Transformers 5 and 6?

After watching Transformers Dark of the Moon and Transformers Age of Extinction, the Transformers Cinematic Franchise now has only 2 more films left to go and while some of us are hoping that Sentinel Prime will be resurrected, we are wondering who will be replacing the late Leonard Nimoy for the voice of the former autobot leader.

After his betrayal in Transformers Dark of the Moon, Sentinel Prime was executed by Optimus Prime for betraying everything he stands for as the original leader of the autobot forces over his obsession with wanting Cybertron restored just before he could explain his specific reason to why he chose to betray them to the decepticons.

Surely because of the famous  of Leonard Nimoy being a famous Hollywood legend throught the years on his career in Star Trek as well as his passing some of you wouldn't want Sentinel returning and being voiced by someone else but then again I'm sure that many of us who were irritated by the DOTM twist that made director Michael Bay lie to us about Shockwave being the main villain of the third movie over the fact that he was swindling us with Sentinel Prime are not going to let the character's more specific reason for betraying the autobots and humans over Cybertron and decepticon cause go unanswered.

So if someone out there was to be the perfect fitting voice for Sentinel Prime as Leonard Nimoy's successor there is one actor I know who would pull it off effortly as the reformable character and that person is none other than

Ian McKellen

For playing Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films and Magneto in the X-Men films, McKellen is the best proper choice at replacing Leonard Nimoy for Sentinel Prime as well as having such a noble and wise voice as well.

Now for how Sentinel can be brought back to life is in the hands of KSI

since KSI had salvaged Sentinel Prime's head to download his memory and history into their servers to learn more about the transformers they would rebuilt and revive Sentinel Prime only if the truth of his attempted betrayal has been fully realized

to find out stay tuned on more updates on the movie